NMEA Filter is a easy way to collect NMEA raw data

NMEA Filter was developed during my Diploma for testing the accuracy of the used GPS devices (Global Positioning System). The program is an easy way to collect NMEA raw data from any GPS device. Therefor the program contains a serial port connection function, wich is able to receive data from RS-232 devices and USB-to-RS232 converters. A filter function calculates the approximately postion from the GPS stream and the number of satellites in view, about a time range. Next feature ist the send function which allows to transmit stored GPS data or any other data over a serial port.

  • receive and send function for serial PC port
  • position filtering from GPS data streams
  • satellites in view filtering from GPS data
  • drag & drop file opening

The software is a beta version and designed for functionality demonstration. The development is stopped. The author takes no liability.

  • Processor from 500 MHz
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 200 MB harddisc space
  • Windows® XP or better

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NMEA Filter on Windows